and there went a $2400 laptop... good thing he put the extended warranty on it huh?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Another one bites the dust...
Jay left me his shiny Macbook Pro to hold onto while he was on his mission. If you know anything about Macs, the Macbook Pro is pretty much amazing!

and there went a $2400 laptop... good thing he put the extended warranty on it huh?
and there went a $2400 laptop... good thing he put the extended warranty on it huh?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Yep... I am this bored... sorry!
For all you married people out there! Tag your married friends that you want to know about! Do the copy/paste thing into your notes, and pass it along, especially to the one who sent it to you. It's fun!
1. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
In St George... I was actually friends with his friend and we were going to set him up with my room mate... but I liked him so I went for him instead
2. What is your spouse's full name:
Kyle Richard Avance
3. Do you have any house pets:
Yeah, we have a god named Dayzee although most days I want to punt her out the window!
4. Do you own a house or rent:
We live in a ghetto apartment, but until I'm finished with school, we don't even care
5. Do you live in the country or city:
We live in Cedar Shitty... I mean City... with a bunch of hillbilly hicks!
6. What is one of your favorite activities together:
that is inappropriate... but we LOVE prison break and going for drives...
7. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
We love going home to Vegas... but since we are hoping to move there in a few months we will have to find another
8. When did you first kiss?
October 22, 2008... I kissed Kyle since I had been hinting towards it for so freaking long and he just wouldn't do it... I'm not patient enough to wait for that!
9. What church do you attend?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints CCU 13th Ward
10. Where were you married?
Las Vegas, Nevada LDS Temple
11. What town is your current address at:
Cedar City
12. Do you work or stay at home:
Work... I can't imagine being a stay at home mom yet
13. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
Back to school... I was too paranoid about missing important classes
14.What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?
Hmmm... Krista had me give Kyle this creepy doll for Christmas...
15. Who asked who out?
I pretty much made Kyle ask me out... he wasn't sure if I had a thing for his friend or not, but I cleared that up, and FAST!
16. How old are each of you?
We are both 23
18. Did you go to the same school?
No, I went to Las Vegas High School and he went to Mojave High School... we both attend SUU now though
19. Are you from the same home town?
yeah... small world huh
20. Who is smarter?
It depends, I'm book smart, but Kyle is smart with fixing things and a better communicator and a better driver
21. Who is more sensitive?
I cry more often, but Kyle is more caring about other people's feelings... I'm just a b*tch
22.Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don't eat out that often... but if we end up back in Vegas, it will most likely be BWW or Macayos
23. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
24.Who has the craziest exes?
I win on that one! Hands down!
25. Who has the worse temper?
I do... I'm like a ticking timebomb
26. Who does the cooking?
Usually I do... I love kyle, but I don't always love to eat what he cooks. I love that he is willing to try though
27. Who is more social?
I am
28. Who is the neat-freak?
I am about the kitchen and kyle is about pretty much everything else. And I will let him clean anytime he wants
29. Who is more stubborn?
Me! Kyle is so laid back and chill...
30. Who hogs the bed?
I do, Kyle is always complaining that he only has 6 inches of bed to sleep on, but if it was that big of an issue, he would find his way to the couch
31. Who wakes up earlier?
depends on the day
32. Where was your first date?
Texas Road House in St George was our first official date date, but we had been hanging out for over a month (see, it took him long enough)
33. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
I did... Kyle worked too much to have a social life
34. Do you get flowers often?
enough. I think they are a nice guesture but also can be a waste of money
35. How do you spend the holidays?
we spent it with both of our families since they both live in Vegas
36. How long did it take to get serious?
about 2 months... I'm not gonna lie, I was sorta in a relationship when I met Kyle and was kinda seeing another guy as well
37. Who eats more
Kyle does... I am disgusted sometimes by how much he eats
38. Who does the laundry?
Kyle. I didn't even learn how to do laundry until I moved out when I was 22 and I don't really care for it
39. Who’s better with the computer?
Kyle... I just get frustrated and start swearing
40. Leave room for advice for other couples.
Communication is the most important thing ever... without it, you don't have a marriage, you have a room mate... and always remember that you love each other, it makes the hard times way more bearable!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Mel did this tag forever ago, and it was on facebook... but I'm working an 11 hour grave and I am BORED! So I will do mine on here :)
25 Random Things About Me
1. I have a weird, probably unhealthy obsession with my little brother... not like "hey I live in Kentucky where marrying family is legal" obsession, but still...
2. I am so sick of living in Cedar City... I don't like it! The only good thing about Cedar is finishing school and that I met Kyle
3. I had/have dreams of going to law school... people think it's crazy I want to be a lawyer, but the more law classes I take, the better I get at it and the more I want to do it!
4. When I was little I though pirates lived in the toilet
5. If your second toe is longer than your first, it is NOT normal and your feet are ugly... period!
6. My parents thought I was going to be a boy, and my name would have been Jay... but I was a girl... and my name was supposed to be Jamie...
7. I have been diagnosed with MDD (major depressive disorder) and anxiety... both are pretty much under control, but I will have my occassional "episodes"
8. I'm the third of 4 children and I am definitely a middle child
9. I hate a dirty kitchen! But I hate cleaning the bathroom
10. I am a huge fan of punctuality... I think being late is rude and inconciderate... and distracting
11. I get compliments on my teeth a lot, but I actually have really bad teeth... most of my enamel is worn away and I had to get a bridge when I was only 21
12. I eat penaut butter and jelly toast almost daily... almost always for breakfast and usually as a snack
13. I had a hard time adjusting to being married... Kyle seemed to ease right into it and I struggled...
14. I still LOVE Britney Spears... and I don't care if she was bald and beating cars with an umbrella... if I was that hott, I would do it too
15. I would rather have my eyeballs melt out of my head than be cold
16. I started wearing glasses in the 6th grade and my eyes are a different (worse) perscription everytime I have them checked.
17. I worked for an opthalmologist office for 2 years and was in charge of all the Lasik patients and their paperwork, yet I am petrified to do it myself
18. I want a '67 Mustang one day, and Kyle has pormised me he will get me one.
19. I LOVE those reality dating shows! Especailly the ones on VH1... they crack me up!
20. I have been engaged twice but only married once (thank goodness I picked the best of the best)
21. Every couple of years my birthday falls on Thanksgiving... I dread those years!
22. My brain thinks numerically! I can sit and crunch numbers all day without even knowing I'm doing it
23. I am always on some crazy "made up" diet... I have an obsession with my weight (partly due to my brain being so numerical)
24. I really had no plans on being a mom... never cared that much, but I am so excited for our little boy
25. I LOVE myspace surveys... It's so stupid but I will postpone doing other, more productive things to fill out a survey... it really is pathetic!
Wow... that wasn't hard at all. I could have kept going, but no one would read 1,000 Random things about me :)
25 Random Things About Me
1. I have a weird, probably unhealthy obsession with my little brother... not like "hey I live in Kentucky where marrying family is legal" obsession, but still...
2. I am so sick of living in Cedar City... I don't like it! The only good thing about Cedar is finishing school and that I met Kyle
3. I had/have dreams of going to law school... people think it's crazy I want to be a lawyer, but the more law classes I take, the better I get at it and the more I want to do it!
4. When I was little I though pirates lived in the toilet
5. If your second toe is longer than your first, it is NOT normal and your feet are ugly... period!
6. My parents thought I was going to be a boy, and my name would have been Jay... but I was a girl... and my name was supposed to be Jamie...
7. I have been diagnosed with MDD (major depressive disorder) and anxiety... both are pretty much under control, but I will have my occassional "episodes"
8. I'm the third of 4 children and I am definitely a middle child
9. I hate a dirty kitchen! But I hate cleaning the bathroom
10. I am a huge fan of punctuality... I think being late is rude and inconciderate... and distracting
11. I get compliments on my teeth a lot, but I actually have really bad teeth... most of my enamel is worn away and I had to get a bridge when I was only 21
12. I eat penaut butter and jelly toast almost daily... almost always for breakfast and usually as a snack
13. I had a hard time adjusting to being married... Kyle seemed to ease right into it and I struggled...
14. I still LOVE Britney Spears... and I don't care if she was bald and beating cars with an umbrella... if I was that hott, I would do it too
15. I would rather have my eyeballs melt out of my head than be cold
16. I started wearing glasses in the 6th grade and my eyes are a different (worse) perscription everytime I have them checked.
17. I worked for an opthalmologist office for 2 years and was in charge of all the Lasik patients and their paperwork, yet I am petrified to do it myself
18. I want a '67 Mustang one day, and Kyle has pormised me he will get me one.
19. I LOVE those reality dating shows! Especailly the ones on VH1... they crack me up!
20. I have been engaged twice but only married once (thank goodness I picked the best of the best)
21. Every couple of years my birthday falls on Thanksgiving... I dread those years!
22. My brain thinks numerically! I can sit and crunch numbers all day without even knowing I'm doing it
23. I am always on some crazy "made up" diet... I have an obsession with my weight (partly due to my brain being so numerical)
24. I really had no plans on being a mom... never cared that much, but I am so excited for our little boy
25. I LOVE myspace surveys... It's so stupid but I will postpone doing other, more productive things to fill out a survey... it really is pathetic!
Wow... that wasn't hard at all. I could have kept going, but no one would read 1,000 Random things about me :)
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